Chapman Fence

Galvanized Chain Link  |  Vinyl Coated Chain Link  |  Wood  |  Ornamental  |  PVC/Vinyl
Athens Fence Company / Jefferson Fence Company : Quality Fences for Sale & Installation in all of Northeast Georgia

Galvanized Chain Link Fences

Chain Link Fence Chain link is one of the most durable fence choices that are available. It can be used for pets, children, animals, and many other installations. This type of fence should last 15 years or more if proper installation is preformed.

   • Residential standard heights are 3’, 4’, 5’ and 6’
   • Commercial heights can range from 3’ to as high as 40’
   • Barb wire and razor can also be added to each height where required.

     Call for a FREE Estimate: 1-866-888-6967

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Vinyl Coated Chain Link Fences

Chain Link Fence Vinyl coated chain link was invented to give a more aesthetic appearance to the galvanized chain link. It is available in the standard colors of black and green. Other colors are also available with enough lead-time. The vinyl coating is usually guaranteed for 10 years. The finish gauge of the wire does cause some confusion. The finish gauge may say 9 gauge, which is a commercial gauge in the galvanized chain link. The vinyl coated chain link may only have a 13 gauge core wire made of steel. The finish gauge of the vinyl maybe stated as a 9 or 10 gauge due to the vinyl thickness. Ask your fence professional if he offers other gauges in the vinyl coated chain link, which may give you a thicker core wire.
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chain link fence pictures

   • Residential standard heights are 3’, 4’, 5’ and 6’
   • Commercial heights can range from 3’ to as high as 40’
   • Barb wire and razor can also be added to each height where required.

     Call for a FREE Estimate: 1-866-888-6967


Wood Fences

Chain Link Fence Wood offers the most natural looking choice available to the homeowner. It is also the most economical fence to use for privacy. With wood, the homeowner has many options as to installations. Styles and types of wood fence available are Pine, Board, Board with Wire, Privacy, Semi-Privacy, Picket, Cedar Split Rail and Locust Rail. Wood does require some maintenance for long life. It also may warp or splinter. Chapman Fence does not cover any warp age or blemishes in its warranties.
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chain link fence pictures

Standard heights for wood are 2’ – 20’. Additional heights are available.

Call for a FREE Estimate: 1-866-888-6967


Ornamental Fences

Chain Link Fence Ornamental fence is available in aluminum or steel. They both are available in powder-coated finishes with many color choices. The fences are durable and can be used for many uses. Steel is stronger than the aluminum, but the aluminum offers lighter weight. Both can be purchased in residential and commercial strengths and both offer 10-15 year warranties.

   • Residential standard heights are 3' – 6’
   • Commercial heights can range from 3’ to as high as 20’

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Great for increased security at your home, retail business, schools, golf courses and recreation parks.

Call for a FREE Estimate: 1-866-888-6967


PVC/Vinyl Fences

Chain Link Fence PVC is available in a variety of looks that resemble many types of wood fencing. A variety of styles and colors are available and PVC is virtually a maintenance free product that will retain its new appearance. Types currently available are Vinyl Privacy, Vinyl Semi-Privacy, Vinyl Picket, and Vinyl Post & Rail.

   • Residential & Commercial standard heights are 3' – 8’
   • Commercial heights can range from 3’ to as high as 20

     Call for a FREE Estimate: 1-866-888-6967

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Chapman Fence Company, Inc. • 1-866-888-6967 • Jefferson, Ga. 706-367-9511 • Macon, Ga. 478-476-3535